Sunday, March 3, 2013

US H1B and H4 fingerprinting, scanning: Minor cuts, cracks on the hand

Getting your final stage of US H1B and H4 Visa stamping maybe really scary due to the Interview and OFC process. OFC process is really straightforward, but one thing one needs to take care is that your fingerprinting should be successful. Any major cuts on your fingers can result into rejection/delay in fingerprinting process.
1. Make sure you don't have any major cuts on any fingers on both the hands.
2. Any cuts at the side of the fingers and not on the fingerprinting areas should not be a problem. My wife had a cut on her finger, but it was on side of the finger so it didn't cause any issues.
3. Minor cuts don't cause any problem, but if you have few days before the OFC make sure you treat them and they are healed.
4. Cracks on Fingers due to dryness, or due to winters is not a problem, but keep applying moisturizer till the last moment your outside the Consulate for OFC. No medicines allowed inside the consulate.
5. When you schedule the appointment for OFC from that day take care of hands, especially ladies so they don't end up having major cuts on Hand. If something happens, treat them by taking to doctor.
6. Incase your really fail in fingerprinting, they issue a yellow slip and ask to come back once your cuts are healed.

US H1B and H4 OFC is very simple process, all they do is take fingerprints four fingers on left hand and four fingers of right hand and finally fingerprints of both the thumbs placed together. This is followed by taking a digital photograph.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Mistake in DS-160 after Confirmation: EDIT or Submit new DS-160 for USA H1B Visa

This article address below important questions regarding H1B Stamping process
1. Modifying DS-160 after submission
2. Modifying DS-160 after Appointment confirmation
3. Correct Mistakes in DS-160

Important stage of H1B stamping is to submit DS-160 online, few important points of filling DS-160 are
1. DS-160 can be saved and retrieved and modified. any number of times within 30 days of creating the DS-160.
2. Mention all the correct details in DS-160, any mistakes might result in trouble.

Modifying DS-160 after submission before appointment confirmation:
After submission of the DS-160 and generation the Confirmation Page, you realized that there was a mistake, here is what you need to do
1.Retrieve the DS-160 using the security details you provided earlier.
2.Once you retrive it gives you a option to either create a new application or continue existing application.
3.Click create a new applicatioin, it will default most of the information that you filled earlier.
4.Another way is to just ignore the earlier DS-160 and create a new one. Consulate will consider only the DS-160 with which you take the appointment.

Modifying DS-160 after Appointment confirmation:
Once you take a Appointment with your DS-160 and you realize that there was a mistake
1. Submit a new DS-160 with all correct information and generate the confirmation page.
2. At OFC appointment carry old  and new DS-160 Confirmation page. Inform the officer that you have modified the DS-160 and use that for further processing.
3. Officer will confirm that this is correct DS1-60 and use it.

Incase of further confirmation about the process drop a email to (US Consulate support services)